Fake News Destroying Democracy
1st December 2017
Our wonderful client John Simpson (BBC World Affairs Editor) recently delivered one of the most amazing, current and insightful speeches we’ve heard in years. He spoke, with great authority, on “Fake News”.
“Fake News” is a term that hardly anyone heard a year or so ago but it now is rated as possibly the greatest threat ever to democracy, western order and free debate. And yet, the world remains impotent as to what can be done about it.
John’s speech eloquently covered more than fifty years of professional, independent broadcasting (and the checks and balances that were applied) and the transition from monolithic media into the internet and social media. The internet as an overall media, and specifically Facebook and Twitter, has allowed organised, systemic misinformation campaigns, often linked to governments, to emerge.
Freedom House have identified no less than 30 governments who have employed “opinion shapers” to promote propaganda online.
This is undoubtedly a ‘hot’ and very current issue.
John is highly qualified and informed on this topic and would make a brilliant speaker for any related event.